Herb Projekty unijne
BIP Kliknij aby włączyć wyszukiwanie
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  • Zwiększ kontrast

Hospital management

Hospital Director dr Marian Zalejski
phone No. (+4865) 5121324
Vice Director of Technique and Economic Matters mgr Piotr Zborowski
tel. (065) 5115103
Head of Finance Department mgr Anita Wawrzynowska
phone No. (+4865) 5115110

Independent positions

Head of Nurcery Team mgr Teodor Murawa
phone No. (+4865) 5115200
Head of Therapeutic-Rehabilitation Team mgr Piotr Matuszak
phone No. (+4865) 5115137
Head of Physiotherapy Team mgr Włodzimierz Krajewski
phone No. (+4865) 5115133
Head of Pharmacy mgr Wanda Tomaszewska-Stanoch
phone No. (+4865) 5115197
EEG and ECG Department phone No. (+4865) 5115129
Head of Province Outpatient Clinic dr Halina Smytry-Głyda
phone No. (+4865) 5121266
Head of Human Resources Department mgr Justyna Nowaczyk
phone No. (+4865) 5115108
Head of Medical Statistics and Documentation of Patients mgr inż. Beata Kozłowska
phone No. (+4865) 5115107
Head of Technique Department phone No. (+4865) 5115119
Head of Food Management phone No. (+4865) 5115191
Public Orders Małgorzata Chaława
phone No. (+4865) 5115121